Ever since the man’s creation, he has proven himself in every sphere of life. The word life didn’t mean to be the bed of roses it is a consequence of the success and struggle. The word entrepreneur, literally means to identify and analyzing the business venture and ready to make up the mind for taking risks and hurdles associated with the business. It is ground fact that all successful entrepreneurs today starting their carrier with an ordinary business or some even started as a joint persistence and burning desires had led them to the line of the world most successful men’s. Today they are the owner of the top selling brands and multinational companies. Here are the lists of the Top 10 Greatest Entrepreneurs in the world.
10. Liliane Bettencourt

The last on the top 10 entrepreneur lists is non other than a French lady and the shareholder of the panorama L-oreal company. She is also standing world’s wealthiest woman in the world with her net worth of 36.1 billion USD.
9. Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is the cofounder and head of the Oracle Corporation, the best known software company in the united states. The year 2016 is proving to be worth luckily for Larry and he settled more than one hundred million$ shares in multinational companies.
8. Amancio Ortega Gaona

Alnico starts his early career with minor investment, and now he is among the world most successful entrepreneurs and is the founder of Zara textile brands. Alnico is the world third richest person and has extensive experience in clothing and fibers industries. He has a net worth of 77.5 billion USD.
7. Carlos Slim

Carlos slim was born in 1940. This old successful business magnate is the residence of the Mexican city. The Large majority of Mexican strength based companies running under the alias of Carlos slim in the areas of technology, finance, trade and local commodities. He stands to be the world richest person by the year 2010 to year 2013 and has a net worth of about 50.6 $ billions.
6. Brian Tracy

Brain Tracy is the successful entrepreneur on the business of the 21st century called Network marketing. He is another international motivational speaker, Networker, author and business coach. Network marketing is the way of marketing in which the company reaches its potential customer through the chosen representative known as an ambassador. He is also the member of the board of trustees of the Heritage Foundation.
5. Jeff Bezos

Highly motivated, self-passionate and yet a powerful and energetic personality Jeff Bezos are none other than the CEO of merge of 100 multinational companies collectively known as Amazon. The ever successful Amazon carrier took Jeff to a decision to launch a space oriented company Blue Virgin in 2004.He graduate from Princeton University and has a net worth of about 67.5 $ billion.
4. Lakshmi Niwas Mittal

Lakshmi Niwas Mittal is the cofounder of second world largest steel making company ArcelorMittal named after her family named Mital Raj. He is the successful entrepreneur of the present India and has a net worth of 12.5 $ billion. He started his carrier as a co-worker in his father’s steel plant in the early seventies, right after his graduates, he transformed his inherited steel business to world number one steel corporation.
3. Mark Zuckerberg

The youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and chairperson of the one of the top five social media website Facebook. He is an entrepreneur, efficient programmer, networks and philanthropist. He is the resident of the Unites States of America and has a net worth of about 54/7$ billion in 2016.
2. Warren Buffett

The CEO and cofounder of Berkshire Harthaway, 70 years old Barren Buffet is an America business magnate, philosopher, investor, and business entrepreneur. His successful career had to face many turns, dwindling to almost non existence at one time and became one of the noblest features for the earnest entrepreneurs. His net worth is expected to be 67.5$ billion .
1.Bill Gates

The 64 years, world richest person Bill Gates has a net worth of 79.3$ billion . The renowned entrepreneur started his career as a founder of the Microsoft company and consistently on the world top entrepreneur lists for the last 15 years.
At present, he is the owner of the most reliable companies. Besides Microsoft he is the CEO of cascade investments and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates of foundation.
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